Monday, November 17, 2014

Riley Jack Huish

He's here! Our sweet baby boy is finally here! We were so ready for him to arrive and are so thankful he is happy and healthy.  Riley Jack was born 11.11.14 1:43 AM a day past his due date and after a 19 hour labor.
I've been looking at this post for a few days now not knowing how to put this experience into words. The emotions that come with bringing a baby into this world is one like nothing else.

 Rewind back 3 months to the last Perinatologist appointment, it was not a good one. Once again we had more news we didn't want to hear. Our doctor told us that there was a good chance that Riley would have another defect or syndome that went along with the clefting, because he has stopped growing since the last appointment we had, The Doctor felt there was something else wrong.   He of course couldn't tell us for sure and wanted us to do further genetic testing which we quickly declined, as it would do nothing to help us or change anything, I was still going to have this baby.  I sobbed and sobbed in that room I was deflated, completely drained and exhausted. We had already gone months knowing that our baby would have a very obvious birth defect and were trying to plan and were seeing specialist, and surgeons constantly. Then in one day were told there was probably more.   We both decided that there was no reason to have any other testing and told the office we were no longer wanting to have ultrasounds. I felt like there was no point.  All I could to was go on planning on a sweet baby that was meant to come to our family for some reason or another no matter what his condition would be. It was all up to Heavenly Father.  The night before my induction my husband gave me a blessing and from that moment I knew that I could handle what ever was a head of me. 

After months and months of worrying about what our son was going to look like and overwhelming fears, and unknowns at 1:43 AM we finally got to meet our son. Love and absolute peace replaced all those feelings  of sadness and fear. He was perfect. The moment we saw him, we new we had a healthy baby boy,   with the most perfect imperfection on his tiny face. We know that were more fortunate then most, and don't know why we were chosen to have him, but we feel lucky. Miracles happen.

This first week we've had him home, we haven't been able to put him down. Bostyn loves on him every day and I've already gotten used to and have fallen IN LOVE with his wide smile.  All the nurses and Doctors couldn't believe how well he took his first bottle and how well he did swallowing with how severe his cleft is on his palate, which was more severe then we expected. I was prepped about him needing to be in the NICU because most cleft babies can't eat and need feeding tubes, but that wasn't the case for this little fighter. He's made it all so easy for us, and we were so lucky to be able to take him home with us.

He will have his first surgery at Primary Childrens in 3 months to close his lip, but until then were just going to soak him up!


  1. He's adorable, congratulations!!

  2. Love love love this! Nothing can replace that sweet assurance that only the spirit can provide, and it takes incredible courage to remain in that place. I also love what you said, "the most perfect imperfection." You are a rock star family!
